
Somos Familia fund

During these difficult times of the Coronavirus pandemic, not all of our sisters and brothers in the Latino community received the financial support they desperately needed. We at LCLAA LA heard the call and created the Somos Familia Fund. With this fund, we have been able to provide many families with rental assistance, bill payment, and other needs during the pandemic.


Scholarship fund

As we looked at the opportunities we were able to create and be a part of, we wanted to do something more. We are proud to announce the LCLAA Los Angeles Chapter Scholarship Fund to give back to our youth — the future leaders of our communities. This scholarship can help alleviate the financial burden many students face when wanting to attend college. For this reason, we are excited to bring back our scholarship fund.


Voter Registration

We believe that our vote is our voice. Our vote is our power! With over 40% of California’s residents being Latino. We have the strength in our numbers to make a difference. By registering Latino voters, we will be able to decide the elected officials who will represent us, and the policies that will benefit us and create a community for all.